Community Chanting Group

Where: Heart Space Yurt – 4248 E. 8th Ave

Dates: Thursdays – January 9, January 23, February 6, February 20…

Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Cost: Free – Donations accepted

Join a community of curious seekers. Learn about the effects of chanting mantras. Feel the inner transformation that happens from sustained vocal vibrations. Chanting mantras has been around for thousands of years and has been proven to have transformational effects on the mind and body. Calm the mind and listen to the still quiet voice within: the inner guru. This group will focus on Japa: the act of repeating mantras. We will focus on one mantra for 20, 30, possibly even 40 minutes continuously to generate powerful sustained effects within the body and mind.

No experience necessary. Lyrics provided. Every other Thursday.

Format for the evening::
-Greetings & Introductions
-Explanation of the benefits of chanting mantras
-Connecting to the breath, Chanting OM together
-First Mantra – 30-40 minutes
-Second Mantra – 30-40 minutes
-Closing prayer
-Tea and Discussion

**Please bring a meditation cushion and blanket to sit on the concrete floor. Chairs provided.
**A journal to write about your experience.
**Please refrain from any strong scented body sprays and essential oils as there are sensitive people in the same room.

This event is open to all, recommended for ages 10+

Please send a message if you have any questions.


Reiki Share Spokane

Where: TBA

When: TBA 

Cost: $10-25 Love Donation 

Join together for an evening of nurturing and supporting one another. Reiki shares are a beautiful connection for experienced healers and non-healers who want to learn. Reiki is sometimes called “the art of the laying of hands” and can be performed both with or without physical contact. Together we will give and receive healing and build up the community.

All Reiki lineages welcome. No experience necessary. We will have time to meditate, share ideas, and create profound healing experiences together!

Format for the evening::
-Greetings & Introductions
-Explanation & brief history of Reiki
-Holy Fire Reiki Experience (this is like a short guided meditation)
-Journaling & Sharing
-Explanation of hand position options and Self-Clearing Technique
-Group Healing experience (everyone will have the chance to give and receive)
-Closing Circle
-Option for hot tea and conversation afterwards.

**Please bring Crystals and sacred objects for the meditation.
**A journal to write about your experience.
**Please refrain from any strong scented body sprays and essential oils as there are sensitive people in the same room.

This event is open to all, ages 15+

Suggested Donation: $10-25

Please send a message if you have any questions.

**This is an ongoing offering every month. Dates subject to change.**


Sacred Summer Soundbath Meditation

Where: Heart Space Yurt – 4248 E. 8th Ave. 

When: Friday August 9, 2024

Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm

How a Soundbath works: With the aide of resonant frequencies from sacred ambient instruments, the brain enters the theta-brain-wave state gently and naturally. From this dream-state a deep meditation and restoration of the body’s nervous system can occur. Receivers are able to connect with their Authentic Self, quiet the “busy bee” mind, and find resolutions to difficult life situations.  Myriad unique personal experiences may occur, including but not limited to profound healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual level.

We will begin with a centering exercise. Followed by a sound meditation that will last for a full 60 minutes, with brief introductions and time for sharing at the end.  Space is limited to 17 participants.  Pre-registration is required to ensure your space is reserved. Contact Wildflower directly at (509) 863-4384 to sign up. Thank you.

Aspects/Energies of this Ceremony:  •The First Quarter Moon is in Libra (the Scales), going “void-of-course” on this day. Use this time for reflection to meditate, ponder, and feel. Libra qualities include: Gentility, Justice, Balance, Idealism, Harmony, and Charm. • We enter the Celtic Tree Month of Hazel (on the 5th), representing Inspiration, Wisdom, Divination, Dreams, and Knowledge. • The sun is in Leo, the ruling planet for this sign. Leo, the Lion, represents Nobility, Enertainment, Generosity, Pride, Power, Loyalty, and Protection.

Heart Space Yurt is a beautiful new community space located on the lower south hill. The floor is made of concrete, so please bring your fluffy nesting items to ensure utmost comfort: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, bolster, etc. The floor is heated as well to help you stay cozy. To respect our time together, please arrive 10-15 mintues early to prepare your spot and get settled. Participants are requested to refrain from wearing fragrance, including body sprays, perfume, scented lotion, and essential oils. This is an enclosed space and we want everyone to have an optimal experience. Fragrance can trigger allergic reactions for many people, so please refrain entirely or keep it to a bare minimum.

Cancellation policy: Attendees are asked to give a minimum of 24 hours notice for all cancellations. 

To sign up for this event: text or call (509) 863-4384 – be prepared to leave a message and identify yourself. Thank you!


Equinox Celebration & Sacred Soundbath

Where: Heart Space Yurt – 4248 E. 8th Ave. 

When: Sunday September 22, 2024

Time: 5:30 – 7:00pm

How a Soundbath works: With the aide of resonant frequencies from sacred ambient instruments, the brain enters the theta-brain-wave state gently and naturally. From this dream-state a deep meditation and restoration of the body’s nervous system can occur. Receivers are able to connect with their Authentic Self, quiet the “busy bee” mind, and find resolutions to difficult life situations.  Myriad unique personal experiences may occur, including but not limited to profound healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual level.

We will begin with a centering breathwork exercise. Followed by a sound meditation that will last for a full 60 minutes, with brief introductions and time for sharing at the end.  Space is limited to 17 participants. Pre-registration is required to ensure your space is reserved. Contact Wildflower directly at (509) 863-4384 to sign up. Thank you.

Aspects/Energies of this Ceremony:  •The moon enters Gemini (the Twins) today. Gemini qualities include: Dexterity, Versatility, Flexibility, Performance, Discernment, and Perception. • Mabon is the celebration of the earth’s bounty and the decline into the darkness of autumn. • We are in the Celtic Tree Month of Vine, bringing about the qualities of: Connection, Eternity, Diversity, Elegance, Happiness, and Charm. • The heartfelt message of Fall Equinox is to collaborate and consolidate. Shifting energies realign to focus on preparing for the dark half of the year. • The sun enters Libra (the Scales), representing the characteristics of Charm, Idealism, Justice, Gentility, Equilibrium, and Aesthetics.

Heart Space Yurt is a beautiful community space located on the lower south hill. The floor is made of concrete, so please bring your fluffy nesting items to ensure utmost comfort: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, bolster, etc. The floor is heated as well to help you stay cozy. To respect our time together, please arrive 10-15 mintues early to prepare your spot and get settled. Participants are requested to refrain from wearing fragrance, including body sprays, perfume, scented lotion, and essential oils. This is an enclosed space and we want everyone to have an optimal experience. Fragrance can trigger allergic reactions for many people, so please refrain entirely or keep it to a bare minimum.

Cancellation policy: Attendees are asked to give a minimum of 24 hours notice for all cancellations. 

To sign up for this event: text or call (509) 863-4384 – be prepared to leave a message and identify yourself. Thank you!


Super Scorpio Samhain Soundbath 

Where: Heart Space Yurt – 4248 E. 8th Ave.

When: Friday November 1, 2024

Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm

How a Soundbath works: With the aide of resonant frequencies from sacred ambient instruments, the brain enters the theta-brain-wave state gently and naturally. From this dream-state a deep meditation and restoration of the body’s nervous system can occur. Receivers are able to connect with their Authentic Self, quiet the “busy bee” mind, and find resolutions to difficult life situations.  Myriad unique personal experiences may occur, including but not limited to profound healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual level.

We will begin with a centering breathwork exercise. Followed by a sound meditation that will last for a full 60 minutes, with brief introductions and time for sharing at the end.  Space is limited to 17 participants. Pre-registration is required to ensure your space is reserved. Contact Wildflower directly at (509) 863-4384 to sign up. Thank you.

Aspects/Energies of this Ceremony:  •The New Moon is in Scorpio (the Scorpion) today. She brings the energy of getting things done and planning for the future. • Samhain is the 3rd and final of the Harvest celebrations. The time has come for winter provisions to be stored, and welcoming the warmth of the hearth-fire. • We are in the Celtic Tree Month of Reed representing the Celtic New Year, and the qualities of: Ancestors, Fertility, Protection, and Family. • The heartfelt message of Halloween is to get creative, enjoy being social, and be festive with the season. • The Sun is also in Scorpio, representing the characteristics of Dedication, Inspiration, Magnetism, Discipline, and Tenderness. This double-Scorpio energy is a wonderful way to build confidence in a relationship by looking deeply at the divine characteristics of the one you gaze upon.

Heart Space Yurt is a beautiful community space located on the lower south hill. The floor is made of concrete, so please bring your fluffy nesting items to ensure utmost comfort: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, bolster, etc. The floor is heated as well to help you stay cozy. To respect our time together, please arrive 10-15 mintues early to prepare your spot and get settled. Participants are requested to refrain from wearing fragrance, including body sprays, perfume, scented lotion, and essential oils. This is an enclosed space and we want everyone to have an optimal experience. Fragrance can trigger allergic reactions for many people, so please refrain entirely or keep it to a bare minimum.

Cancellation policy: Attendees are asked to give a minimum of 24 hours notice for all cancellations. 

To sign up for this event: text or call (509) 863-4384 – be prepared to leave a message and identify yourself. Thank you!


Light in the Darkness – Solstice Celebration & Soundbath












































































































































Where: Heart Space Yurt – 4248 E. 8th Ave. 



When: Saturday December 21, 2024



Time: 5:30 – 7:00pm

: With the aide of resonant frequencies from sacred ambient instruments, the brain enters the theta-brain-wave state gently and naturally. From this dream-state a deep meditation and restoration of the body’s nervous system can occur. Receivers are able to connect with their Authentic Self, quiet the “busy bee” mind, and find resolutions to difficult life situations.  Myriad unique personal experiences may occur, including but not limited to profound healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual level.


How a Soundbath works

Stoke the inner fires as we celebrate “Light in the Darkness” on this longest night of the year. We will begin with a centering breathwork exercise. Followed by a sound meditation that will last for a full , with brief introductions and time for sharing at the end.  Space is limited to 20 participants. Pre-registration is to ensure your space is reserved. Contact Wildflower directly to sign up. Thank you.


60 minutesrequired

•Yule is the celebration of the Hope we hold for the return of the mighty Sun. The cycle of the season is in a place of dark and decay, yet the hope remains that life will persevere. Shortly after Yule are the “12 Days Out of Time,” where many cultures focus on the manifestation energies of the coming year. •We are in the Celtic Tree Month of Elder, representing the qualities of Magic, Death, and Regeneration. The Elder tree highlights a time of personal evolution. •The heartfelt message of Winter Solstice is to celebrate the hope and peace of family and the hearth with the knowing that nature will continue life everlasting. •The sun enters Capricorn (the Sea-goat) today, representing the characteristics of Ambition, Wisdom, Dependability, Elegance, Tradition, and Discipline. •The Virgo moon today dances in the sky with several planetary alignments that could build tension.


Aspects/Energies of this Ceremony:

Heart Space Yurt is a beautiful community space located on the lower south hill. The floor is made of concrete, so please bring your fluffy nesting items to ensure utmost comfort: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, bolster, etc. The floor is heated as well to help you stay cozy. To respect our time together, to prepare your spot and get settled. Participants are requested to refrain from wearing fragrance, including body sprays, perfume, scented lotion, and essential oils. This is an enclosed space and we want everyone to have an optimal experience. Fragrance can trigger allergic reactions for many people, so please refrain entirely or keep it to a bare minimum.


please arrive 10-15 mintues early

: Attendees are asked to give a minimum of 24 hours notice for all cancellations. Cancellation policy

: text or call, be prepared to leave a message and identify yourself. Thank you!


To sign up for this event
